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Shamanic Practitioner Grade

A Shamanic Pracitioner is a member who has successfully completed their training as an apprentice. We will accept members that have completed a course of study with another teacher. If you wish to become a member of the society as a Shamanic Practitioner you must petition for full membership. You must be able to answer specific questions relating to your studies with another teacher as well as your daily practices.

Membership fees are due on the first day of January of each year. Any member who is over 30 days delinquent on dues will have their membership priveleges suspended.

Membership Fee $65.00 per year

Apprentice Grade

Persons that have not undergone previous training with an initiated or certified Shaman must start the society as an apprentice. This is a three year course of study in which the student will undergo three separate initiations. You must successfully complete your studies, as well as pass various exams before you will be permitted to undergo each initiation.

Yearly Membership & Course Fee: $340.00 per year.

Students must have their membership and tuition fees paid in full before they will be allowed to undergo initiation or proceed to the next course of study.

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