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Please read the Membership and Apprenticeship FAQs before sending in application!!!


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Why do you wish to join our Society?:

Why are you interested in the Shamanic Path?:

How much time are you willing to spend on your studies?:

Please list the books you have read on Shamanism?:

Have you previousy been involved with or are you currently involved in any of the following: Study with an Independent Shaman, Workshops or study with the Institute of Shamanic Studies, other Shamanic Institute or school, Solitary Wiccan, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Other?:

What culture or tradition of Shamanism have you studied, if any?:

Membership Fees are listed below, please check boxes to show that you are aware of them:

Apprentice Fee - One year $340.00 includes tuition for classes
Membership Fee (teachers & Masters only)- One year $65.00 (courses not included.)

No fees will be charged until you are accepted as a member. You will be notified of your course fee after we have determined which level you need to start with.

PLEASE NOTE: The above information is for membership purposes only and will be kept completely confidential.

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